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Exam Sessions & Administration
How do I schedule an exam session?
What does "Provide Exam Code" mean?
What does "Require Exam Codes" mean?
How do I administer an exam?
Can I administer multiple languages in the same exam session?
What if a student or examinee doesn’t show up to the exam session?
Can I change my exam session from print to online or from online to print?
How do I close and grade an online exam session?
How does an Instructor/Proctor download exam materials?
How do I return print exams for grading?
How do I see the exam results, scores and certificates?
Can I choose the date and time for my exam session?
How can I cancel an exam session?
How can I reschedule an exam session?
What if my student needs an exam accommodations?
Can I schedule my exam for the same day?